Localization and translation services are essential in digital marketing, evolving from basic machine translation to creative transcription and original content writing. WordPar specializes in multilingual campaigns, offering services like SEO, localization, and content adaptation for global reach.
A medical translation company ensures precision through specialized workflows, expert translators, and compliance with local regulations.
The growing need for localization in digital marketing has led to the sharpening of language industry intelligence with localization methods and tools. A new paradigm in multilingual digital marketing has emerged.
At the bottom of the localization pyramid stands machine translation. It is literal and lacking in contextual meaning. Yet, it is cost-effective and successful, thanks to the accumulated intelligence of decades of work. Technology, scalability, and efficiency make this a bedrock for the language industry today.
The next stage of translation services in this classification is standard translation, which is straight forward and often relates to technical subjects. The translations are factual and are largely focused on terminological accuracy and consistency.
Higher up the ladder we find marketing translation, which is required to be more creative and persuasive than regular translation. A more refined variant of this is trans-creation, which lends itself to originality and creativity in the target text.
The highest on the continuum of translation services is original content writing, created individually for every language. Intelligence in the language industry is growing, becoming more refined, and learning to adapt to the needs of the discerning client and the competitive ecosystem.
Multilingual keyword research is a method towards optimization of your content or website internationally. It helps identify the words and phrases the net users use to find what they are looking for. Over 40% of online searches are non-English. Tapping into this market is a phenomenal growth potential for any enterprise. From URL-structure to hreflang tags, working together with multilingual SEO experts to bring the best of both worlds to your multilingual marketing strategy.
Machine translation is at the lower rang of the translation pyramid. But it has its place, especially with increasing and improving AI. WordPar International is a reputed Indian language service provider (LSP) that is now engaging with state-of-the-art AI to achieve the objectives of digital marketing.
AI helps scale up, automate, and accelerate the translation process of search-based marketing. Also, social media marketing adverts submitted in one language can be simultaneously placed in media channels of multiple destinations.
Among various digital marketing tools, translation and localization of content is among the more potent. Marketing translation differs from standard technical translation in that it is freer, more creative, and at the same time, much more demanding.
When reviewing translated content, the translator and agency have the responsibility to verify the following aspects, in decreasing order of significance:
Transcreation ranks among the more creative and effective approaches in international digital marketing. It is a freer translation of marketing or other content, where the translator is not restricted to the language, style, and format of the source content. She has the freedom to bring in creative ideas, and even tweak the content to achieve the functionality and objective of the original literature.
Transcreation is one step down from original content within the ambit of translation services, and one step above marketing translation. It is free from the shackles of literal or standard translation and allows for originality.
Why this Language Service Provider should manage your Multilingual Digital Marketing & Localization Campaign
In the last decade WordPar International has been involved in the localization of digital marketing campaigns of many multinational clients. Digital marketing, search engine optimization and social media marketing are the modern-day paths to marketing success. And considering the technology- driven nature of digital marketing, it presents a technological challenge to organizations.
In digital marketing, localization and globalization are mutually collaborative. To achieve global e- commerce goals, enterprises will benefit from multifarious linguistic conversions and activities such as adaptation of adverts, transcreation of content and multilingual keyword research. Translation services are not limited to conversion, but value addition in messaging.
Over the last few years, the requirement for multilingual digital marketing has intensified and WordPar has acquired increasing competence in the area.
We Speak Your Customer’s Language
The cumulative experience gained from SEO campaigns of over a decade helps us bring forth well rounded digital marketing packages for the ambitious customer. Our packages include a combination of the following features:
A single ad-campaign or blog post can be simultaneously published in over sixty languages. We have dedicated team of project managers who are experts in multilingual localization. This means that we can execute projects simultaneously in several languages, maintaining process consistency for all language pairs. Besides qualified and experienced translators on our team, our USP is expertise in multilingual project management.
Need professional translation, localization, or language solutions tailored to your industry? We’re here to help you communicate seamlessly across borders. Connect with us today to discuss your project requirements.
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